The public realm is all the space between buildings within the city. These are the places where we spend time together outside of homes, places of work, places of worship, and our cars. When we collectively seek to find true places for people, this is fertile ground for history, culture, and the arts.

A unifying vision for montague park

The Chattanooga Design Studio, in collaboration with the City of Chattanooga Parks and Outdoors Department and the Reed-Hilderbrand Landscape Architecture Firm have led a design process to better understand how the park’s current and future uses can be better integrated within and with the surrounding neighborhoods and greater community. 

Reimagining Broad Street

The Chattanooga Design Studio, in collaboration with the City of Chattanooga Public Works Department, the RiverCity Company, and Dover, Kohl & Partners have led an urban design process to imagine public realm improvements, multi-modal transportation enhancements, green infrastructure opportunities, parking, economic development opportunities, all while supporting existing businesses and urban residents. 

Evolving the riverfront parks

The Chattanooga Design Studio, in collaboration with the City of Chattanooga Parks and Outdoors Department, the RiverCity Company about, and a team led by Agency Landscape + Planning, and Groundswell Design Group have begun a design process to build upon the dramatic 21st Century Waterfront, evolve the Riverfront Parks and enhance experiences for residents and visitors to enjoy beautiful, comfortable and exciting park spaces.